Welcome to NewSpace Europe 2024!
Space technologies are delivering greater value to a more diverse set of stakeholders than ever before. The latest space developments – cost reduction, miniaturization, better access to space - give space technologies the potential to reshape whole industries and have as much impact on business and society as smartphones or cloud computing.
In addition, a significant part of the revenue earned in the space sector comes from the space-for-earth economy.
The NewSpace Europe conference is focusing on new space developments and more specifically on how space businesses and companies can contribute to space-for-earth activities.
It focuses on three main outlines:
- Services from Space for Earth: From EO to telecommunication and internet infrastructure, space services are one fast-growing field in the development of the space-for-earth economy. Climate services, agriculture, energy, construction, or finance are as many fields that can benefit from space services. What are the next-generation services space can deliver to businesses and customers worldwide? How do these services have the potential to change current practices for the better?
- Technology from Space for Earth: Technologies developed for space are- due to the demanding environment they need to operate in - among the most efficient, reliable, and innovative on the market. They also integrate the concept of scarcity of resources and sustainability. Many of these developments could find applications on Earth. What are these and how can we make the most of space technology in our everyday lives?
- Products from Space for Earth: The era of commercial space stations is one step away and with it, increased possibilities for in-space manufacturing. Space-based research and development has shown great potential onboard the ISS. What are the next products that will be brought back from space, and how much added value will they have compared to “on-earth” manufacturing?
The conference aims to
- inspire space businesses in their economic and technological development,
- foster networking opportunities and collaborations in the space industry and beyond
- create awareness of the potential that space holds for Earth including in tackling the global challenges lying ahead of us.
Join industry-leading startups, agencies, investors and executives for engaging conference sessions and unique networking opportunities.