Alpbach Summer School

Staged annually in Austria since 1975, the Alpbach Summer School provides in-depth teaching on space science and technology for 60 European masters, PhD and post-doctorate graduates, young scientists and engineers. The summer school is organised by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency -(FFG) and is co-sponsored by the European Space Agency.
For Luxembourg, participation is coordinated through the Luxembourg Space Agency with support from the Fonds National de la Recherche and the “Groupement luxembourgeois de l'aéronautique et de l'espace (GLAE)”, part of Luxembourg's industry organisation, FEDIL.
Alpbach Summer School 2025
The topic of the Summer School Alpbach 2025 is “Small bodies in the solar system” and will be held from 8th to 17th July 2025 in Alpbach Tyrol Austria. More information can be found on the programme’s website.
The Summer School is open to 60 selected young science and/or engineering students and graduates (Master or PhD level) with a nationality of one of the members or cooperating states of the European Space Agency (ESA). The working language of the Summer School will be English.
Candidates must submit an online registration as well as an endorsement by a university professor, head of department or equivalent to the Aeronautics and Space Agency of FFG. The deadline for the Alpach Summer School 2025 registration is opened until March 2, 2025. For further details regarding the summer school program and the registration, please refer to:
Terms of participation
Candidates are able to participate to the Summer school if:
They are a Luxembourg national or have a nationality from one of the ESA member or cooperating states.
And are currently enrolled as a student (bachelor, master, PhD).
Financial support
To be eligible for financial support in Luxembourg, individuals must meet specific criteria:
- students must either be Luxembourgish nationals;
- or they must be enrolled as a student at a Luxembourgish institute (at the Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD level) and hold the nationality of an ESA member or cooperating state.
PhD-level students are eligible for financial support through the Fonds National de la Recherche ( Engineering students and graduates can receive financial support from the Groupement luxembourgeois de l'aéronautique et de l'espace (GLAE) ( The financial support covers all fixed expenses related to participation, including registration, accommodation, and travel costs.
For more details on the programme and registration, contact Maud Marocki or click here.
Frontier Development Lab (FDL)

Hosted in Silicon Valley by the SETI Institute, NASA FDL is an applied artificial intelligence research accelerator developed in partnership with NASA's Ames Research Center. Founded in 2016, the NASA FDL aims to apply AI technologies to challenges in space exploration by pairing machine learning expertise with space science and exploration researchers from academia and industry. These interdisciplinary teams address tightly defined problems and the format encourages rapid iteration and prototyping to create outputs with meaningful application to the space program and humanity.
Partner organisations such as the Luxembourg Space Agency, Google Cloud, Intel, IBM, KX, Lockheed Martin, NVIDIA, Canadian Space Agency, HPE and Element AI support FDL by providing funding, supplying hardware, AI/ML algorithms, datasets, software and cloud-compute resources. They also support working teams with mentors and subject matter experts and hosting key events, such as the first-week AI boot camp and the final public team presentations.
Over the last years, the Luxembourg Space Agency supported several challenges connected to space resources. Each year, researchers from Luxembourg had the opportunity to participate in any of the challenges.
For more information and upcoming challenges, please visit the programme’s website or contact Bob Lamboray from the Luxembourg Space Agency.