Launch of the European Space Resources Innovation Centre
Look back on 2020 and hightlights the importance of international cooperation in the advancement of the space economy and space resources in general
NewSpace Europe Conference 2019 - Highlights
The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group
UNOOSA and Luxembourg launch new “Space Law for New Space Actors” project
The LSA turns one!
OQ Technology - NB - IoT / The Tiger 1 Mission
Space Expertise: OQ Technology
Flagship video: Luxembourg, the place for space development
Space Funding: Kleos Space's Dual Listing
Luxembourg Space Expertise: Kleos Space
How it works - O3b mPOWER technology
Luxembourg Space Expertise: SES
Interview Mathias Link: USA-Luxembourg space MoU
USA and Luxembourg sign memorandum on space cooperation
How it works - Water and space exploration (ispace)
Luxembourg Space Expertise: ispace
Interview Minister Schneider - Interdisciplinary Space Master
Interview Prof. Stéphane Pallage - Interdisciplinary Space Master
Luxembourg Space Expertise: SPARC Industries
How it works - Plasma technology (SPARC Industries)