Organized by the Luxembourg Space Agency on an annual basis, the NewSpace Europe conference is the perfect occasion to network with representatives of start-ups, space agencies, investors and managers involved in the new space economy.
This year's edition of NewSpace Europe took place on 27-28 November and gathered more than 500 participants both onsite and online under the "Bridging Earth & Space" banner.
With this year's unique and innovative setup, the Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot opened the conference by underlining how relevant the major theme of the event “Bridging Earth & Space” is important nowadays, since space has a major role to play in dealing with the global challenges ahead of us.
Through 5 main key tracks including keynote sessions and panel discussions featuring sonme of the most relevant experts, participants got a chance to learn more about the links that exist between terrestrial activities and space applications in the agriculture, automotive, health, construction and investments sectors.
NewSpace Europe is also a place of celebration and announcements. The start-up Space Cargo Unlimited took this opportunity to unveil its future space factory called REV-1 - an autonomous platform allowing companies to produce in space by 2025.
NorthStar Earth & Space, having its European office in Luxembourg, also announced that Virgin Orbit will launch NorthStar´s unique space-based monitoring system in 2023 with the aim of improving sustainability in space.
For more information on next year’s edition, visit https://newspace-europe.lu/.