Our main purpose is to do Space Biotech for a Better Life. As we are following our vision for a bright future for human health on earth and beyond. By engineering End-to-End solutions to provide biotech products formed in space. Our own hardware enables state-of the art microgravity research also in a post ISS world.
Furthermore, we are offering a one-stop-shop for any service in microgravity, we not only enable research in microgravity but also make it accessible to any industry. We enable efficient life science research in microgravity - on the space stations, rockets and parabolic flights.
We offer an end-to-end service to take life science experiments, e.g. cell culturing or protein crystallization to microgravity - mostly to the ISS, but also on suborbital rockets or parabolic flights. Our modular and reusable hardware system makes it possible to offer ISS experiments in less than 6 months and less than € 100.000 instead of taking several years of preparation and costing 1 million euros.
We develop fully automated micro-labs with the size of a wallet and launch them on behalf of scientists around the world to the International Space Station (ISS), on orbital and suborbital spacecraft, on parabolic flights, and on drop towers. Additionally, we have the so called ScienceTaxi under development, a space incubator which is going to have its maiden flight in 2024 and can host up to 36 experiments.
Yuri Platform - ScienceTaxi
- Hosts up to 38 experiment units (ScienceShells)
- Designed for orbital platforms (Dream Chaser, Dragon, …) but also fits suborbital or parabolic flights
- Independent from ISS
- Temperature range +4°C to +40°C
- Fully automated, no crew interaction needed
- Seamless power transmission for experiments
- Centrifuge with Earth, Moon, and Mars gravity
- Real-time Housekeeping-Data monitoring and commanding
- Modular Design: Different Experiment Platforms possible
Yuri micro-lab - ScienceShells
- In-flight adaption of experiment timeline
- Sensors to measure in-flight experiment data (O2, pH, pressure)
- Microscope imaging with resolution <5μm
- Fluorescence imaging
- Active fluidic exchange for cells or bacteria
- Passive O2 exchange
- Complex fluidic systems (lab on a chip)
- ISS Mission Execution
- Mechanical Design (CAD)
- Structural Analysis (FEM)
- Technical and Safety Documentation
- Systems Engineering
- Fracture Control
- Project Management
Customers we have already acquired and some of whom we have already “taken into space”:
- University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
- University of Florida
- University of New York (NYU)
- Israel Institute of Technology
- GlaxoSmithKline
- University of Zurich (UZH)
- University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
- University of Jena
- ZF Friedrichshafen
- German Aerospace Centre (DLR)
- Luxembourg Space Agency
- Charité Berlin
- Goethe University Frankfurt
- ScienceTaxi
- Cellbox-3 (ISS)
- HepaWell (ISS)
- Biomission (ISS)
- Überflieger (ISS)