World experience next challenge from space weather impacting economy in Space and on the Earth worth 3.4 trillion USD. Sustainable space impossible without robust way to predict and mitigate Solar phenomena. Currently humanity employ legacy technology which doesn’t tackle nowadays challenges. Mission Space developing a satellite-based space weather system to help space & earth companies, academia & government agency to quantify and mitigate space weather-related risks and data deficit.
Mission Space provides on-demand space weather analytics and data services tailored to predicting and forecasting radiation risks on specific assets in space and on the ground.
With the subscription to our platform, Mission Space provides access to a user- oriented decision support tool to safely manage the risks of space weather, reduce uncertainties and boost resilience needed for a sustainable future in space:
- Near real-time monitoring and forecasting of space weather conditions and events
- Accurate short-term warnings of coronal mass ejection arrivals
Interactive space weather data displays via APIs
Tailored risk assessment tools and alerts to determine proper mitigation actions
Mission Space also sells owns detectors for the satellite operators, which can be used for increasing accuracy of the data & monitoring of radiation awareness.
Mission Space is building a satellite-based space weather intelligence system using a combination of its own in-situ measurements, publicly available data, and proprietary model algorithms with the underlying dynamical model of near-earth radiation environment as the basis for forecasting and nowcasting. With the payload instrumental set consisting of several independent devices launched on polar LEO orbits, Mission Space turns outdated and costly raw data processes into real-time, actionable insights. Mission Space offers a user-oriented high-accuracy short-term forecast, localized products for different orbits, and custom infrastructure- specific hazard warning gathering own data on fluxes of charged particles in the inner magnetosphere, which will be used to monitor critical space weather parameters. We produce own detectors: Universal Semiconductor Spectrometer, Cherenkov detector, own scientific models of solar plasma impact on ionosphere and own SAAS.
· Satellite operators and manufacturers
· Space Agencies
· Insurance
· Space Traffic Management platforms
· Government structures
· Research and Institutional organizations
· Defense and Military
· Space tourism and space exploration missions
· Aviation Industry
· GNSS operators
Space Weather Detecting Payloads
AURORA-1 IOD mission to be launched in 2024 will mark the world’s first commercial mission to monitor the full spectrum of space weather parameters on LEO. Mission Space will be measuring highly energetic particles of protons and electrons that will enhance their dynamical model of the near-Earth radiation environment and enable the release of space-based radiation forecasting and risk assessment purposes.
Space Weather Cloud Services
Mission Space’s space weather cloud services enable space and ground-based businesses to measure the potential impacts and evaluate the risks of space storms on their specific assets. Mission Space also helps to close the gaps between space weather research and actionable applications for consumers and users, which would enable actionable insights and support timely decision-making.