

Hydrosat is a climate tech company based in Luxembourg that uses thermal imagery from space to create proprietary data analytics. Our products increase food security, conserve water, improve public safety, and strengthen Earth’s environment.


Our primary product is IrriWatch, an irrigation management tool that allows farmers to conserve water and increase crop yields by more than 50%. In our first year of sales, we already have customers in 36 countries and on five continents, as we provide insights to growers for a fraction of the cost of ground-based systems.


Hydrosat applies data analytics and data fusion techniques to thermal infrared and multi-spectral satellite imagery and turns it into actionable insights. Our scientists measure leaf temperature, solar radiation, and photosynthesis to provide reliable recommendations to farmers, regardless of crop type. The multidisciplinary team has expertise in the areas of big data analytics and distributed computing, remote sensing, image processing, image segmentation and classification, machine learning, and agronomy.


  • Food processors, packagers and distributors
  • Commodity Traders
  • Insurance Companies
  • Government Agencies
  • Corporate and Independent Farmers
  • Humanitarian Organizations


Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Constellation

Although there are many space imagery constellations in orbit and planned for launch, thermal imagery is missing. Consequently, Hydrosat is developing a constellation of sixteen spacecrafts that will provide a complete heat map of Earth twice per day. The data from these satellites will enhance our products and give us unparalleled access to high-resolution thermal imagery to meet the needs of a wide range of commercial and government customers.                                                                                      

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