Helix Space


Helix Space has two divisions:

1. Services: We serve the NewSpace industry in the fields of Space Resources, Ground Segment virtualization/cloudification, downstream applications, and big data, with Soft Funding, Product/Market Fit, and Cybersecurity Services.

2. R&D: We want to use existing and future research infrastructure on Earth’s orbit to develop and commercialize biomolecules, biomaterials, and nutritional supplements for preventive and therapeutic management of human and veterinary diseases on Earth.

We also serve the Life Sciences value chain providing scientific review and grant evaluation services.



Helix Space helps you obtain national, intergovernmental, or private funding to develop your product.


Helix Space uses standard industry frameworks to make sure your new product arrives on time to the market and generates the sales and profits you need to grow and scale-up your business.


Helix Space helps you perform State-of-the- Art Analysis for new cybersecurity technologies, and assess and improve your cybersecurity stand based on standard frameworks.

Life Sciences:

Helix Space provides scientific review and grant evaluation services to researchers, private and public research institutions, and private companies.


  • Open-source tools for Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT), such as Shodan, theHarvester, and FOCA, and Vulnerability Analysis, such as OpenVAS.
  • Commercial tools for Vulnerability Analysis such as Nessus.
Life Sciences:

Within the field of human metabolism and its role in health and disease, our expertise includes computational modelling for OMICs analysis using a variety of tools:

  • MatLab and R, Python, with COBRA toolbox, Bioconductor for the analysis of diverse OMICS data types (e.g., genomic, transcriptomic, proteomics, metabolomics).
  • Good Clinical Practice



Publicly disclosed:

  • Amphinicy
  • European Space Resources Innovation Center (ESRIC)
  • European Science Foundation
  • Luxinnovation
  • Startup Division
  • Verhaert Masters in Innovation


Under confidential agreement:

  • Cybersecurity service providers
  • Satellite Operators
  • SpaceTech start-ups & SMEs
  • Consulting firms
  • Investment firms



CASSINI Business Accelerator

CASSINI Hackathons & Mentoring

D2D satellite communications

ESRIC Start-up Support Programme

Fit4Start – Space

Fit4Start – High Performance Computing & Data Analytics


Quantum Key Distribution

Space Hubs Network

ViSAGE Feasibility Study

EUDIS Coaching Services

EU Space Academy Learning Platform

Last update