EnduroSat S.a.r.l (Luxembourg) was established as a specialized branch of EnduroSat Group to serve the Luxembourgish market and international clients by providing high expertise of mission management. It aims to develop and commercialize a streamlined mission management service for the future markets of earth observation (EO) and satellite communication (SatCom) as well as for satellite constellations in very low and low earth orbits (LEO/VLEO).
EnduroSat S.a.r.l. services include project management for a satellite platform development, integration and testing, mission design and mission management, and operation of high-performance satellites and customized satellite missions. As part of the EnduroSat Group, Endurosat S.a.r.l. benefits from considerable flight heritage as currently there are more than 500 systems flying in orbit. The satellite platforms, which are developed by EnduroSat Group are software-defined and in-flight configurable – the parameters of the satellite can be updated in orbit according to the customer’s needs. The unique features of EnduroSat’s platforms include:
• Plug & play on hardware and software level
• In-orbit configurability and update capability
• Multiple hardware and software redundancies
EnduroSat S.a.r.l, as a newly established branch, leverages the existing expertise of the EnduroSat Group which has built a solid experience by providing solutions for many successful projects. It has designed and engineered class-leading satellite systems and platforms which have been featured by the Small Spacecraft Technology State of the Art report of NASA.
Our products and services include: Satellite platforms (including ESAP class satellites), Communication modules, Antennas, Onboard Computers, Power modules, Solar panels, Structures, Ground support equipment, Custom modules, Flatsats, Constellation service, Satellites as a Service, SpaceDev, SpaceOps.
EnduroSat S.a.r.l as part of the EnduroSat Group has access to additional infrastructure to carry out modern engineering activities: cutting-edge RF lab, spacecraft assembly and integration facility, clean rooms, etc. The laboratory for communication modules development, testing and validation (RF lab) includes Vector Network Analyser; Signal and Spectrum Analyser; Vector Signal Generator; Power meter; Digital oscilloscope; CW Signal Generator. In terms of software, the engineers work with SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD, ANSYS HFSS, Altium, Matlab etc. The cutting-edge spacecraft assembly lab and spacecraft qualification lab including a clean room, anechoic chamber and environmental lab, which is located in EnduroSat Space Center. The test facilities include thermal-vacuum chamber, vibration shaker, climatic chamber and mass properties measurement set, full ADCS simulator, anechoic chamber and antenna measurement system.
EnduroSat’s technology helps improve industries, exploration and science.
· We serve more than 240 customers worldwide.
· More than 1250 space subsystems have been delivered.
· 30 fully integrated smallsat platforms have been delivered.
Our software defined satellite program was initiated in 2020. The first platform was launched successfully in spring 2022.
Among our customers are IBM Spaces, Vyoma, OHB, European Space Agency, Intuitive Machines, Berkley University, DLR, CNES, Airbus, European Commission, Melbourne Space Program etc.
EnduroSat One, Platform-1, TOLIMAN, BALKAN – 01, FLMINGO – 1, PADRE, Space Data Gateway (SDG), ShareSat.