Air Liquide Luxembourg S.A.


Air Liquide is a world leader in the production, purification and distribution of industrial and medical gases; supplying all types of industries, hospitals and patients with essential molecules such as O2 or N2. Air Liquide is actively involved in the energy transition with the development of proprietary technologies for the decarbonisation of various industries by capturing CO2 at its emissions place or by reducing the emissions using hydrogen. Air Liquide is fully committed to the development of a low carbon H2 society and can rely on its presence in more than 80 countries well connected with the local ecosystems. Although not its main activity in terms of revenue, Air Liquide has greatly contributed to the success of European launchers and Earth Observation Missions, with the development of advanced cryogenic technologies with exceptional high reliability. For the last 50 years, Air Liquide has developed and manufactured 802 cryogenic tanks that flew in space on Ariane rockets (over 260 launches), and 12 gas & cryogenic machines for 7 space missions (ISS, HERSCHEL, PLANCK, MICROSCOPE, EXOMARS, CSO, MTG).


  • Industrial and medical gases
  • Gas production and purification plants
  • Advanced technologies for Hydrogen
  • Carbon Capture technologies
  • In-space cryocoolers, refuelling and propellant supply


In Luxembourg : Development of in-space technologies related to energy storage (RFCS), cryogenic management systems and innovative gas purification technologies for air revitalization.



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