adwäisEO SA provides IT & Data Analytics services related to geospatial data in general and Satellite Earth Observations in particular. E.g. It provides components of Payload Data Ground Segments (PDGSs) of Satellite missions, and support the added-value downstream sectors of Earth Observation (EO), designing algorithms and implementing processes for Big Data Mining and Data Transformations along with high performing and cost-effective solutions such as multi-Petabytes archives, intuitive geoportals and efficient processing solutions in cloud and/or HPC environment.
adwäisEO provides Data services for space agencies, companies, public and private institutions, NGOs and research bodies:
- Data collection, storage, dissemination and management, long-term archiving, to take care of your data respecting your privacy.
- Data hubs, geo-portals, APIs and metadata generation and metadata standardizing to make the data easily accessible.
- Cloud computing, HPC Cluster and efficient orchestrator for all your processing needs. Geo-Data mining and analytics, to extract valuable information from the data and produce knowledge.
The company designs and develop HPC and/or cloud solutions in order to provide tailor made services and products.
To deliver, adwäisEO benefits from the support of its partners in the UK, France, Spain, and Canada, all members of the ecosystem are coordinated by the French company ACRI-ST.
The IT facilities of adwäisEO are hosted in TIER IV data centers in Luxembourg. The company use the best of the available technology:
- Cloud-computing: infrastructure and namespace -as-a-service (10 000 vCpus in a private cloud).
- Cloud-Storage 2 PB of in house S3 object storage with geographical replication
- Scalar storage for massive data archiving (more than 65PB).
- LTO tape libraries for backup and preservation (more than 100PB).
- Fast NVME storage for computation (2 PB)
- High speed internal network (>400Gbps) to feed processing node without delay and 30 Gbps Internet lines for no waste while data are transferred.
The company offers:
- A team of ICT specialists, remote sensing experts, data engineers.
- A library of EO data processors tuned to the analysis of long-term series of geo-physical/chemical/biological/ecological data of the global world.
- Partners in the European, American and Australian scientific communities and space agencies.
Space agencies, European Commission, public institutions, private companies, research organisations.
- Design, Development & Operation of the largest European repository and distribution centre for the data of the Sentinel-1 (S1) and Sentinel-2 (S2) satellites: LSADC
- Cloud-Optimized formatting of Earth Explorer and Earth Watch satellites’ data.
- Provision of Data, Cloud & High Performance Computing (HPC)
- processing resources, and an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based data processing & analytics system to the Digital Twin Earth/ DestinE platform DESP.
- Operator of one of the Copernicus Long Term Archive.
- Systematic daily production of S3 Land products.
- Massive reprocessing of S2 satellite data. Provision & management of the infrastructure / cloud solution for the quality control of S2 and S3 optical data, and of the collaborative platform for the maintenance of the data processors.
- Production and distribution of daily/ weekly/ monthly/ quarterly and yearly a Global Mosaic of the Eart from S2 data.
- AI and HPC applications of Earth Observations from satellites such as crop yield forecast.