LIST ERIN department


LIST-ENVIRONMENT is capitalizing on a blend of remote sensing data obtained from

space- and air-borne platforms for producing information on the status of natural resources for public and private stakeholders. It relies on competences in remote sensing and environmental sciences to improve the capacity to monitor variations of Earth’s biotic and abiotic resources at unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution. Moreover, it aims to integrate remote sensing data with in situ measured data, land surface models and leverages on satellite communication and IoT LPWAN technology in order to provide evidence-based decision support in near real time in a variety of thematic domains (i.e. disaster risk reduction, precision agriculture, viticulture and forestry, finance & insurance, preservation and management of natural resources, marine & maritime).


Algorithms to enable the automated production of environmental variables:

  • Evaporation and transpiration from thermal remote sensing data (STIC)
  • Leaf area index, canopy chlorophyll, nitrogen content, plant disease detection from multi- and hyperspectral field, drone, and satellite data
  • Time series analysis toolbox as web interface with automated processing
  • Water bodies and floodwater variations from SAR data
  • Flood hazard from multi-temporal remote sensing data
  • Urban flood mapping from InSAR data
  • Vessel detection and coastal delineation from SAR data 
  • Building areas from SAR and optical data
  • Geospatial software technologies and platforms for web based data integration
  • Training in multi source EO data acquisition and processing

Software enabling the effective integration of remote sensing data with in-situ data and process-based environmental models.

Software enabling IoT-based collection of environmental data.


  • In-situ sensors: field spectrometers ASD Field Spec-3 and Spectral Evolution RS-3500 and sensors for crop state parameters Li-COR 2200 and Minolta SPAD$, IoT sensors 
  • Ground-based and airborne hyperspectral thermal sensor
  • UAV platforms equipped with thermal (Teax ThermalCapture Fusion Zoom), hyperspectral VNIR/SWIR (Headwall Nano and Headwall M384 and LIDAR sensors)
  • IoT-satellite integrated testbeds


ESA, LSA, CNES, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Luxspace, HITEC Luxembourg, , VITO, TELOPS-Canada, KU Leuven, TU Vienna, University of Bristol, adwaïsEO, SES, EarthLab, Cybercultus, , Hydrosat, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, , CIMA Research Foundation, Earth Observation Data Centre, Wageningen University, Agroptimize, WASDI, RSS-Hydro, Fadeout Software, Service des médias et des communications, Luxsense Geodata, POST, Frontier Connect, Thales Alenia Space, PWC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate of Defence INDRA, CESBIO, Friendship Luxembourg, Red Cross, Terradue, Spuerkeess, Geoville, DLR


  • GFMS – Global flood monitoring service
  • OVERSEAS - Multi-source EO-based maritime traffic monitoring
  • COMMECT - Addressing the need of rural communities in terms of connectivity solutions
  • EURANUS – LST and ET products for Europe and Africa
  • HERITAGE - Crop yield forecasts based on EO, machine learning and crop modelling
  • CHAMELEON - Detection of changes using heterogeneous EO data powered by AI
  • CITYWATCH - Mapping urban settlements using EO data
  • HIDRATE - Integrating EO data and land surface models for transpiration and evaporation mapping
  • EDRIFT – EO-based solutions to support disaster risk financing
  • GRASS - Gravimetry and radar data assimilation into a hydrological models for improving drought prediction
  • DestinE – Digital twin supporting the management of natural disasters
  • LUXSCAT- Field experiments supporting the development of geostationary C-Band SAR systems

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