Cybercultus focuses on providing the entertainment, cultural heritage and sustainable tourism sectors with innovative digital communication and content solutions by inventing the RAMO “Reactive and Adaptive Multimedia Objects” semantic layer that insulates content producers from the technical complexity of interactive communication and user immersive applications.
The Cybercultus “eBusiness Solutions for the Art industry (eBSA)” aim at valorising entertainment, educational, cultural and tourism assets, as well as fostering human creativity through interactive, social and immersive technologies.
Today, Cybercultus works with large industries and organisations in Europe and develops partnerships with public and private actors specialised in social / immersive applications (for TV programmes, cultural heritage, travel portals) and in GIS technologies (for spatial and temporal mapping of cultural, environmental and tourism geo localised multimedia assets).
- eBSA expo suite (editor & run-time): 2D/3D organisation & display of cultural assets in virtual spaces
- eBSA museum suite (editor & run-time): cultural assets and art collections management, valorisation and geolocalisation
- eBSA travel suite (editor & run-time): customised travel offers, virtual visits and planning, onsite support and on the move LBS application
- eBSA iTV suite (editor & run-time): immersive TV quiz show, immersive travel TV magazine, community TV content making
- eBSA iTV libraries: advanced interactivity enactment based on the RAMO model
RAMO (Reactive and Adaptive Multimedia Objects): based on the MPEG 7 open standard, development of platform independent software editors targeting “web, mobile and iTV” social & immersive applications.
Open standards and technologies
HbbTV, HTML5, MPEG 2, MPEG 7, XML, Java, PHP, Android, iOS 23
Entertainment, culture and travel partners
SES, ARD / RBB (Germany), ORF / TW1 (Austria), RTBF (Belgium), ORT(France), Musée Albert Kahn (France), Instituto Latin America de Museos (Costa Rica), Agence culturelle luxembourgeoise (Luxembourg), European centre for eco agro tourism (The Netherlands), Siel Canada (Luxembourg), SAN Parks (South Africa), Peneda-Geres National Park (Portugal), Sense Inverse (Belgium)
Industrial partners
Thomson Multimedia (France), Philips (The Netherlands), GeoVille (Austria)
Public research partners
LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology), ESA, INRIA Lorraine (France)
Entertainment & cultural applications
- Real Time Immersive TV Show (RTI-TVS): enables TV viewers to participate from their homes, via avatar representations, to an aired TV quiz show.
- Immersive Satellite TV (IMSATV): allows TV viewers, via an avatar representation and using the remote control, to discover the rich content associated with an aired tourism TV documentary or magazine.
- Community TV Content Making (COTV): enables TV viewers to partner with TV channels, co-producing TV content using smart phones for HD video capture & upload onto the TV programme and using networked TV facilities for team editing, publishing and rating of the co-produced TV content.
Tourism application
- Online tourism à la carte: Trip à la Carte is an online tourism platform enabling travellers to build “à la carte” from a map their own trip, selecting in each locality the activities, the lodging and the local transport of interest. It also provides them with LBS (Localisation Based Services) while on the move.
- Sustainable, environmental and safe tourism in protected areas (SENSA): a range of facilities for trip planning in natural parks, for “on the move” itinerary processing with offline routing and geo-localised awareness information, for travellers’ safety with interactive/geo-localised satellite SOS messages and alert news from the park, and for optimal distribution of travellers in protected areas with real-time field observation reporting by visitors acting as preservation agents. The SENSA facilities make extensive use of advanced satellite communication, navigation and Earth observation capabilities.
- Real-time interactions with parks authorities focus on nature preservation and travellers support using advanced satellite communication, navigation and earth observation.