This non-exhaustive list of space-related research project gives an idea of the scope of activities of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology and the University of Luxembourg.

- LANDCOVER CCI – Global land cover map development for climate modelling applications
- SOC3D – 3D soil organic carbon monitoring using VNIR reflectance spectroscopic techniques
- PLANTSENS – Detection of plant stress using advanced thermal and spectral remote sensing techniques for improved crop management.
- TOPBOX – Time series analysis of PROBA-V vegetation data toolbox
- M2MSAT – Light-weight application and transport protocol for future
- M2M application
- YPANEMA - Mapping of crop nitrogen status from Sentinel-2 images through inversion of a canopy reflectance model
- SKUA – Vessel monitoring and kinematic modelling based on satellite Earth Observation and ground measurements
- SENSECO - Optical synergies for spatiotemporal sensing of Scalable ecophysiological traits
- CASCADE - Combining earth observation with a large scale model cascade for assessing flood hazard at high spatial resolution
Previous projects led by CRP Henri Tudor (now part of the LIST)
- SAT’N’SURF (ESA) – Internet content sharing via satellite - Content delivery according to a community / interest group the user belongs to, with respect of user privacy
- IMSATV (ESA) – Interactive TV via satellite - Satellite-based user interactivity with TV programs
- TASMANIA (ESA) – Secured and Monitored content delivery by satellite - Satellite-based remote administration and monitoring of high value content delivery
- COTV (ESA) – Interactive TV via satellite - TV users’ mobile communities compete in the production of TV programs, mixing professional and user-generated audio-visual content, vote and broadcast the winner program via satellite
- WellCom (EUREKA-ITEA) – Location (satellite position) Based Services - Luxembourg @Home & mobile demonstrator on “Interactive Personalised Advertisement and Location-based (GPS) Shopping Assistant”
- Project TRANSCOMAS (ERDF Interreg) - Creating a cross-border Network of AeroSpace Measure and Control facilities, to allow interested Space actors to benchmark their products and services and thus to improve fulfilment of highly requesting requirements of the Aerospace sector
- DG-Trac (ESA) – Dangerous Goods Tracking & Tracing
- Feasibility study on a tracking and tracing system for dangerous goods transport in the medical sector
- SENSA (ESA) (participating) – Sustainable, Environmental and Safe Tourism in Protected Areas - Safety services and real-time touristic information for travelers in protected parks in South Africa. SENSA uses satellite trackers with other networks and dedicated mobile applications to help the tourists connect in all situations with the parks authorities.
- Super-black coating technology for complex opto-mechanical systems
- Miniaturised chemical sensor for the monitoring of molecular contamination on payload surfaces.
- Printed mechanical and thermal sensors for spacecraft hardware
- Anti-microbial / antifungal surface treatments for confined inhabited environment in human spaceflight.
- Composite materials for in-space manufacturing
- Anti-static ETFE based nanocomposite
- Improved thermal conductivity of epoxy resin
- Carbon-based solutions for super-capacitors, Li-ion batteries and fuel cells
- Software tool enabling numerical analyses of composite space structures
- Miniaturized mass spectrometer for space exploration
UNI.LU - Geophysics Laboratory
Research into the requirements for the next generation satellite gravity mission (satellite orbit, sensor and tracking designs). Our contribution was to provide reliable environmental background models. Recently, the Laboratory developed GPS reflectometry that also could be applied from space.
- Galileo: DMGA (Dynamic Modeling of Ground Antennas)
- The goal of the DMGA project is to obtain a very accurate and optimized static and dynamic model of large satellite ground antennas including the closed loop full motion control by integrating modern computation tools like CAD, FEM analysis, Multi-body systems and regulation simulation software. The simulation models are validated by measurements on the real antenna on site.
- Satellite Control: research is carried out in the area of modelling and advanced control of satellites, especially attitude and orbit control systems, with a special focus on micro satellites.
- Space Robotics: modelling, simulation and control of robotic manipulators for spacecraft and satellites. Applications are in the area of space debris removal and on orbit servicing.
- Further research is carried out in the area of systems engineering and the improvement of development processes for micro satellites.
- SES Partnership - Research Program in Satellite Systems
- VHTS: User Terminal Wideband Modem for Very High Throughput Satellites, ESA.
- NGHDR: Next Generation High Data Rate Trunking Systems, ESA.
- LiveSatPreDem: Live Satellite Precoding Demonstration, ESA.
- FlexPreDem: Demostrator of Precoding Techniques for Flexible Broadband Systems, ESA.
- CADSAT: Carrier Aggregation in Satellite Communication Networks, ESA.
- SIERRA: Spectral efficient Receivers and Resource Allocation for Cognitive Satellite Communications, FNR-ANR.
- PROSAT: on-board PROcessing techniques for high throughput SATellites, FNR.
- MOSIS: Model-Based Simulation of Integrated Software Systems Resubmission
- RECONCIS: Reconciling Natural-Language Requirements and Model-Based Specification for Effective Development of Critical Infrastructure Systems